Saturday morning, it was finally sunshine in Prague, so we had to go out and took some pics. All of them were taken at Naplavka by my new friend
Tomas Gal, the street style photografer from Brno. ChEck out his Fan page
That day I was wearing my new denim Levis hight waisted jeans bought on for 50Kč. Hah it is just ridiculous how some people of this world can sell these items for so little money. Lucky me.. Btw I am selling some items on there as well, so if you like something don´t hesitate to contact me and we can also deal with prices. You´ll find my stuff
I have noticed that my last few posts were all focusing on denim. I just can´t help myself but I have massive pasion for it and for furry coats as well. In the spring and summer you will definitely see me in denim anyway.
Sobotné ráno, krásny sunshine na Náplavke v Prahe. Presne takto vznikli tieto fotky, ktoré robil môj nový kámoš, street style fotograf Tomáš Gál z Brna. Jeho fan page sleduj
V ten deň som si obliekla moje novo obľúbené Levisky, ktoré som kúpila na
votoč za smiešnych 50Kč. Baví ma ako niektorý ľudia, predávajú takéto super kusy za pár korún. Osobne mi to neva, pretože čím lacnejšie tým lepšie:), žE?! Taktiež tam predávam pár vecí, ktoré nájdeš
TU //ak sa ti niečo páči neváhaj ma kontaktovať a dohodneme sa na cene:) //
Zistila som, že v poslednej dobe som postla mnoho outfitov s rôznymi denim kúskami. Musím sa priznať že som trošku chorá na denim a furry coats, preto ich čakajte určite ešte viac.
I am wearing: Green and navy checked skinny long siut jacket- Urban Outfitters
Light Blue denim Levis hight waisted jeans- // Black T-shirt- Zara
Red clutch handbag- from my childhood // Tights- Calzedonia // Shoes- // Belt- Zara
Sunglasses- Karen Walker
Photos by Tomáš Gál