Saturday, 5 April 2014

La Kampa

Even it was sunshine in Prague / I am a big usage of  this word/ I almost got freezed, because it was nearly 5 degrees outside, too cold for me. However I had to wear my adorable grandmother´s furry coat that is the greatest catch from her closet. What do you reckon? Also it is spring coming so let´s get dressed more colorful in this beautiful season!!
Kampa, it is the place where we were taking these pics and is also known for the sculptures of the black babies made by David Černý, one of my favourite Czech artists. Unfortunately we couldn´t take more pics on these cute arses because my slippery tights. After all I´d like to say big thanks to Alex, check up her Fan page HERE, for her amazing work we made together  /HERE & HERE/. I wish her all the best in her journey in Greece where she is currently living. If you have a trip to Athens don´t hesitate to contact her, she will be definitely very welcoming to you :)

Boli sme, spravili pár pics a taktiež skoro zamrzli. Vážne, aj keď svietilo slnko bolo niečo okolo 5 stupňov a pre mňa teplomilnú niečo neskutočné. Samozrejme ako inač kožuch nesmel chýbať!
Kampa je jedno úžasné miesto v Prahe, hlavne tie babies od Davida Černého. Nedalo sa nám bohužial spraviť viac pics s prdelkami kvoli mojim klzavým tights, hoci sme robili čo sa dalo. Alex, sleduj jej Fan page TU , spravila zas skvelú prácu a zároveň sa jej chcem poďakovať a zaželať jej len to naj v Grécku kde sa momentálne presťahovala. Ak máte cestu do Atén píšte jej :P. Ja sa určite chystám, snáď mi to vyjde :).

I am wearing: Furry coat- From grandma // Blue Crop Top- River Island
Purple Tights- Americal Apparel // Shoes- New Look
Colorful socks- Primark // Sunnies- Karen Walker

Pics by Alex